Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Artists' Bloc opens at the Oxmarket!

The Oxmarket Centre of Arts, Chichester

A hot, sunny Monday saw the members of the Ten Group of Artists gather at the Oxmarket Centre of Arts in Chichester to hang the latest exhibition of their work.  Titled "Artists' Bloc" the exhibition showcases work which has all been made within defined constraints which were; a square format of 30 cms blocks and a triptych designed to hang vertically.  An additional wall of work is also on show using the same square format, but this time 15 cms square.

The 15cms square block wall

two views across the exhibition in the Wilson Studio

The work on show spans various mediums including painting, drawing, photography, textiles and ceramics reflecting the interests of the nine artists who make up the Ten Group.

Emma's work in the reception area

Gill and Paulene at the entrance to the Wilson Studio

George, Di and Emma

Celia and Angie

Sandra and George

Paulene and George






Artists' Bloc can be seen at the Oxmarket Centre of Arts, Chichester (St Andrews Court, Off East Street, Chichester, West Sussex) from 22nd July to 3rd August 2014.  The Centre is open from 10am to 4.30pm daily, closed on Monday.  Entry is free.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Counting down...

Eleven days to go before the next TEN group exhibition at the Oxmarket Galleries, Chichester.